Here are pictures of what is unmistakably a toy model of the new Godzilla 2014 design in pieces. These pictures come from, via a report from Universe G. The head piece looks just like the head from the Brazilian teaser poster. However it was reported that this is an obsolete toy prototype and perhaps so was the image from the poster. There was also speculation that the photo in the background was of MUTO monster pats. Later, this was recanted as belonging to parts from an unrelated toy. The whole thing could have been fan made, but it's pretty cool. We do know that pre-sale toys will be available in March 2014, 2 months prior to the release of Godzilla on May 16.

I don't like those legs, too stubby and short,reminds me of an elephant I would've preferred a more trex like approach on the legs as they can handle more weight and won't make godzilla look like a huge waddling Barney