
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Godzilla 2014 vs. Amazing Spiderman 2: Who Will Win?

New Godzilla 2014 Movie Poster!

No, this isn't a crossover movie idea, though that's not half bad, and it's not a fan-made movie poster like the Captain America one. This is a battle of the trailers and speculation about which movie will be better or make more money. The trailers for Godzilla 2014 and The Amazing Spiderman 2 came out around the same time and the movies are released in the same month next year; Spiderman 2 coming out first on May 2nd, and then Godzilla on May 16th.

A lot of this talk comes from the guys over at the AMC Theaters movie talk show on youtube. Host John Campea and others wouldn't say which one would be better, but all agreed that Spiderman 2 would make more money mostly on the merits that it's a sequel of a successful franchise  with a hip, young cast, whereas Godzilla 2014 is more of an unknown and has to contend with bad memories of the previous American Godzilla film 10 years ago. They have a good point. Check it out:

Also, some in the industry analysed the two trailers and said that the Godzilla trailer was good for people who know Godzilla, but not so good for people who don't.

Personally, I think Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have overcome two main problems in promoting their film;

1. They need to make Godzilla appeal to wider general audience, not just Godzilla or monster fans. Besides the obvious superior special effects, they need to play up the human drama and that this is a very character driven story. This movie takes the high road. It's a disaster film that focuses on how the events affect the world and peoples lives in a believable way. It's not just a monster action movie like Pacific Rim. Also, they need to show off their, albeit slightly more mature, stellar cast. This film's got some heavy hitters; Arron Taylor-Johnson(Kick-Ass), Bryan Cranston(Breaking Bad), and Elizabeth Olsen(Martha Marcy May Marlene). It also has international stars Ken Watanabe(Last Samurai, Batman Begins) and French actress Juliette Binoche. David Strathairn also co-stars. His name is not as well known, but his face and voice are. We hear him giving the motivational speech to the Halo jump team at the beginning of the trailer. At this point, Legendary shouldn't play up their director, Gareth Edwards. We know he's a great film maker; he cares about telling a compelling story and uses special effects effectively, but he's an unknown and this is his first major Hollywood picture. Save the director bios until after the movie is released.

2. They need to distance themselves from the Ronald Emmerich Godzilla film. That film was a general disappointment with fans because the design and character of Godzilla was so altered. It was a giant, mutated iguana that spent the whole film running and hiding from the military. Gone were Godzilla's trademark aggressiveness, atomic breath, and invulnerability. Legendary needs to make it clear that this is a reboot, not a sequel and has no connection to the previous film whatsoever. This is precisely why they are giving us glimpses of the monster. Also, I think in future trailer, we'll see Godzilla use his atomic breath. They want to make it clear to us this is the Godzilla we know and love.

However, I think Godzilla has something in it's favor that will help it to be a critical and financial success; it's different and something we haven't seen before.
I know superhero movies are a hot commodity in Hollywood now and more are on the way. I love them too, but they've been around for a while. Now, when I see a new superhero movie, even if it's good, I often feel, "Been there, done that".The more I see, the more I feel I'm watching the same movie over and over, they just rotate the characters. I think many people might feel the same way. But Godzilla is something very different. It's not just a fast-paced action film with superheros diving through the sky and lots of energy beams flying everywhere. It has a slower pace, a darker feel, building suspense and our interest. I think that's why many people will choose to see Godzilla. This and the fact it will be a superior movie will make it a huge hit, potentially bigger than Spiderman

Great Godzilla 2014 Pencil Sketch

Here's another great fan art pencil sketch. Really awesome. It really captures the essence of Godzilla, massive, powerful, unstoppable. It reminds me of the "Bulldog" Godzilla sketch, but with a smaller chest and lower center of gravity.

Amazing Godzilla 2014 Fan Art Sculpture from Japan

This incredible godzilla 2014 fan art sculpture was made by big kaiju fan Chan Takahashi in Japan and posted on his Facebook page. This is actually his second sculpture, go here to see the first one. It took him several weeks to complete, posting his progress on line. He finished it just in time for the new Godzilla 2014 trailer. I think director Gareth Edwards would be impressed. They should get this guy on the payroll designing more monsters. The first photo was photoshoped with the trailer backdrop by fellow fan, Jo Lavoie. Awesome work guys!


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Godzilla 2014 Toy Prototype

Here are pictures of what is unmistakably a toy model of the new Godzilla 2014 design in pieces. These pictures come from, via a report from Universe G. The head piece looks just like the head from the Brazilian teaser poster. However it was reported that this is an obsolete toy prototype and perhaps so was the image from the poster. There was also speculation that the photo in the background was of MUTO monster pats. Later, this was recanted as belonging to parts from an unrelated toy. The whole thing could have been fan made, but it's pretty cool. We do know that pre-sale toys will be available in March 2014, 2 months prior to the release of Godzilla on May 16.




Hacked M.U.T.O. Site Video

Here's a cool M.U.T.O. viral site video courtesy of Universe G. There isn't much to go on. The audio goes in and out. It just teases you, but the person talking describes: a caterpillar like creature with at least 4 legs. Scientists are "confused". Watch for yourself. Thanks to Damian Bravo

Godzilla 2014 vs. Captain America Poster

Here's a crossover I don't think we'll ever see, but it's a fun idea.  But, Godzilla did fight the Avengers in the comics in the  70's, maybe it could happen.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

New M.U.T.O. Site Photos and Videos!

As reported on Cosmic Book News, here are some new photos and videos from the M.U.T.O. viral site.



Godzilla from Legendary Pictures and director Gareth Edwards, stomps into theaters May 16, 2014. Stars Aaron-Taylor Johnson, Bryan Cranston, Elizabeth Olsen, Ken Watanabe, and Julliette Binoche.

"An epic rebirth of Toho's iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure from Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures pit's the world's most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity's scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence"

Monday, December 9, 2013

Godzilla 2014 Trailer Image!!


This is through Aaron-Taylor Johnson's goggles as he free falls in the halo jump in the trailer.

And two more enhanced versions!Thanks to Jo Lavoie on Godzilla 2014 Facebook page

More soon...

M.U.T.O. Viral Site Tricks and Videos

Earlier today, the new M.U.T.O. viral website was launched by Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures tantalizing us with confusing clues and cryptic messages. It's similar to the viral site they made for Pacific Rim.

The site looks like you are accessing classified military information. Then a video comes on and plays. You  can briefly see soldiers in a military compound near a huge radiation door. Later, there is a M.U.T.O. Console where you can type in keywords and get different responses. For example, if you type in the name "Godzilla" or any other Toho Kaiju, it says;

Or, if you type, "Serizawa", the Dr. from the original Gojira and also the hidden message from the Godzilla Encounter site, it says Welcome back Dr. Serizawa and says recovery mode has backed up your draft in progress. Also, if you type actor Ken Watanabe, it asks you, "Did you mean Serizawa?" Watanabe seems to be playing the Dr. by that name. Is Serizawa working for M.U.T.O.? The site is fun for a while, but gets frustrating. I'm sure it will be changing and updating regularly from now and after the trailer. Stay tuned and check out the videos below.

Stay tuned in here for the new trailer and developments.

New Godzilla 2014 Viral M.U.T.O. Site Revealed!

Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have done nothing officially to promote the new Godzilla film since The Godzilla Encounters viral site before the San Diego Comic-Con in July. This has left fans parched in a drought of information and burned by the mirage of unreliable rumors.

Well, when it rains, it pours. Today it was not only reported that the new Godzilla 2014 trailer would be released online at exactly 10 a.m.(Pacific Time)Tuesday Dec 10th, well before the expected theatrical release with The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Dec. 13, but there was a new viral site launched,

The new viral site is somewhat reminiscent of the site they launched prior to Pacific Rim. We did lean something immediately, though. Months ago we learned through pre order toys, that Godzillas new monster foes are called Mutos. Some speculated this was a word meaning Change or short for Mutation. We know know this is the acronym for some secret organization. I'm guessing the "M" stands for Millitary, and the "O" stands for Organization or Operation. I don't know what the others are.

At the same time, other sites showed some cryptic images. The first ones are from a Chinese News site. They posted two images of Chongqing sinkhole from the Chinese district of the same name. The hole is also known as the Xiaozhai Tiankeng, or heavenly pit. It's the largest and deepest sinkhole in the world, reaching depths of 662 meters. The pictures show millitary helicopters and some sort of Avatar-like mobile facility  on the edge of the crater.

The nest is a photo from Total Film of the famous "Door to Hell" natural gas pit in middle-eastern country of Turkmenistan. In 1971, Soviet gas workers set it on fire believeing the gas would burn off in a few days, and it hasn't stopped since. In the photo, the pit seems to have been locked down by M.U.T.O. Why is M.U.T.O. interested in these pits? Did monsters emerge from them or did thy use something from the pits to make a monster?

More details to come.

Godzilla 2014 Trailer Online 10:00 a.m.Tuesday Dec. 10th!

New Official Godzilla 2014 Teaser Poster!

I reported yesterday that we expect the Godzilla 2014 trailer to be released online Dec. 10th, 3 days earlier then it's theatrical showing with The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Well today we have a report from Coming telling us the exact time. According to the report, Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures will reveal the new trailer online at 10:00 a.m. Pacific/ 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time. I'm not sure the source, but I'm going with it. Coming Soon is pretty reliable. Just one more day and you can see it here of course.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Godzilla 2014 Trailer to be Released Dec.10th!

It was reported today on Godzilla Fans Universe G that the Godzilla 2014 trailer may be released online on Dec. 10, 3 days earlier than expected, attached to The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug which opens worldwide on Friday Dec. 13. The news was tweeted by @movie_maniac_ on twitter. It's unknown how reliable this info is, but we may see the trailer in just a couple of days. Here's a pic of the tweet and stay tuned on this fansite for the new trailer.

Godzilla Kills the Entire Kaiju Universe

In order to celebrate the coming trailer, and to leave no doubt about his claim to the throne, here's an awesome fan art piece by master illustrator Larry Quach a.k.a. NoBackstretboys on DeviantArt entitled, "King of the Monsters". You can see the carcasses of his fallen enemies. Hey, if Deadpool can do it, why not Godzilla? The trailer's just days away. I can't wait!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Godzilla vs. The Smaug Monster(The Hobbit 2)

After what seems like an eternity of waiting and a few disappointing rumors, it looks like fans will finally get to see the official Godzilla 2014 trailer. It's been confirmed that the new trailer will be attached to The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, opening worldwide on Friday Dec 13. It seems Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have chosen to reveal the world's most famous atomic fire-breathing, monster with a movie about another famous fire breathing reptile. This makes good sense. The Hobbit 2 is expected to be a huge success, much bigger than the first Hobbit movie and the main reason is that we finally get to see the monster, the gold hording Smaug. Also, Tolkien's antagonist dragon's name just happens to bear a striking resemblance to one of Godzilla's most famous adversaries. People going into theaters wanting to see Smaug up close and personal will definitely be interested in getting a peek at the updated King of the Monsters.
Smaug decal on the side of an Air New Zealand airplane

It stands to reason when audiences see these two great behemoths on the screen in the same sitting, that all kinds of comparisons will be drawn and there will be a plethora of fan interpretations coming out on DeviantArt, and you'll be sure that yours truly will bring them all to you.

But who would win in a fight between Godzilla and Smaug? Well I think it all depends on size. Legendary Pictures' Godzilla is estimated to be 120-150 meters(394-492 ft.) tall. And may very well be the biggest movie monster of all time. But how big is Smaug? Well, DEMOSTHENES over at The One attempted to answer that very question in an in-depth analysis based on size comparisons between Smaug and Bilbo from the Hobbit trailer. This guy really did his homework  He estimated Smaug is over 60 meters(197ft.) long from nose to tail, with a wingspan of between 75-100 meters(246-328ft.). That's a big dragon.

Smaug's advantages are his ability to fly, breathe fire, and his intelligence, he can speak and is quite arrogant. However all these things combined wouldn't do much against Godzilla's raw power. The king of the monsters would be much more massive and I'm sorry, but regular dragon fire would be no match against Godzilla's atomic breath, a super-charged radioactive plasma beam. Not to mention Godzilla's virtual invulnerability. Godzilla would win hands down, but I'd pay to see that fight. I'd like to hear Smaug's clever quips before and during the fight.

However, if this Smaug went up against the old Showa era Godzilla(50 meters/164 ft.) or the newer Millennium Godzilla(55 meters/180 ft.), it might be a whole different story. What do you think? Leave your comments below or in the the forum and stay tuned for the new trailer when it comes out next week.

Godzilla 2014 Leaked Teaser Trailer now back in HD

Thanks to a article by Dread Central, we know have the 1st leaked Godzilla 2014 teaser trailer back online in HD. This one isn't from Youtube, but rival Metacafe. This is much higher quality than the trailer I posted before. Of course, it's only a week until the official trailer is released with The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, bu let's enjoy it until then.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Godzilla 2014 Trailer Confirmation and Details

After being disappointed twice, first on Nov. 3rd, Godzilla Day, and then for Thor 2, we can now say with 100% confidence that the Godzilla 2014 Trailer will be released next week, attached to The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. And not only that, but we have a few tasty morels of leaked info on the trailer.

First, as reported over at the great new site, Godzilla Fans Universe G, the Alberta Films Rating Organization officially listed the Godzilla 2014 trailer on it's website. The trailer, distributed by Warner Bros. has a running time of 2 minutes, 12 seconds and is rated PG according to the Canadian system.

Secondly, Damian Bravo, editor of Godzilla Fans Universe G released a video with news that a theater worker claims to have seen new Godzilla trailer on a message posted on IMDB(Internet Movie Database). Click the link above to read the full message This is spoiler information and keep in mind, it is unconfirmed. Basically, he describes the trailer as very similar to the 2nd leaked Godzilla trailer that starts with star Arron Taylor-Johnson as part of a special forces team making a halo jump from an airplane into a cloud covered city. What's new are scenes of Godzilla seen from above by the parachuters and Godzilla attacking and stepping on a train. Perhaps the same train from the 1st leaked Godzilla trailer. This information is all very questionable, but we'll find out for certain next weekend with The Hobbit 2. I can't wait. Watch the video for yourself.

Hitler Complains About Godzilla 2014 Marketing

Here's a hilarious video about Hitler complaining how partner Warner Bros. is promoting Legendary Pictures Godzilla reboot. It pretty much sums up fans frustration, including my own about the marketing strategy or lack there of on Warner Bros. part. Many fans, myself included had believed rumors there would be a trailer released online on Nov. 3rd, Godzilla Day and the 59th anniversary of the release of the original Gojira. That didn't happen. Then there were rumors that the trailer would be released with Thor 2: The Dark World. That didn't happen either. It was reported that Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures(especially CEO Thomas Tull) had a falling out and are parting company. This may be one of the last big pictures the studios collaborate on. I'm just speculating, but I wonder if Legendary, or Gareth Edwards himself was responsible for the two leaked trailers that appeared online earlier this year: Leaked Trailer #1, Leaked Trailer #2. Personally, I believe they lost valuable hype building opportunities.

However, it is confirmed that the Official Godzilla 2014 trailer WILL be released with The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug on Friday Dec. 13(about one week from now). Anyway, until then enjoy Hitler's rant.