
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Godzilla's Colossal Opening Beats Spider-Man at Box Office!

Well, I called it here first folks, and if you don't believe me, check out my earlier post:

Here's to all you nay-sayers out there that said Spider-man 2 would do better on the merits of it's a sequel to a household-named, famous character franchise. What's Godzilla, buttered toast!? You can get more famous than him. 

It's official, Legendary Pictures' Godzilla is a smash hit(notice I didn't day 'monster'), obliterating any competition at the box office this weekend and doing even better overseas. It officially earned $93.2 million in it's opening weekend, far above initial estimates around $70 million. It slowed down on Sunday, falling short of a hoped $100, but still beat out Amazing Spider-man 2 which earned $91 million in its opening weekend and has dramatically slowed down since then. Take that Spidey! Go spin a web or something. 

Godzilla broke a lot of stuff in the movie, but he didn't break any records though, falling only $2 million short of Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier for the biggest opening weekend this year. 

Reviews of Godzilla were mixed, but generally positive, especially of people who had low expectations going into it. Who can imagine that!?:) But even those who criticized Godzilla would have to admit, it's still a much better film than either of those mangled superhero movies. 

The summer is just getting started though, and it will be interesting to see what happens when the highly anticipated X-Men: Days of Future Past opens this coming weekend. Can Godzilla hold his own against Hugh Jackman and the huge ensemble X-men cast? Personally, I'm excited, but I think the overwhelming number of characters will work against it. Anyway, I think you know whose corner I'm in. Godzilla has returned to reclaim his throne. Long live the King!


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