
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Official Godzilla 2014 Trailer Description from SDCC

Well, it finally happened! At the Legendary presentation today at San Diego Comic-Con, they showed footage from the movie, if not a full blown trailer. Here's a description from Slashfilm:

" We’re introduced to characters first off: Cranston seems to be an engineer/investigator of some sort — we see him in hazmat gear, and later running towards a crisis event in a government installation as the rest of the staff frantically runs away. Aaron Taylor Johnson is a soldier; Ken Watanabe is seen in a control room of some kind, and Olsen as mentioned above is shown in moments that suggest she’s been a victim of some disaster. A montage of various images shows a world in crisis and deploying military forces to fight some crisis moment.

And then there’s the kaiju attack. The first monster we see is a spindly-legged insectoid thing — is this Mothra? Didn’t quite look like it, but that’s possible. The monster is attacking an airport, and there’s a great wide shot that sees the kaiju destroying a plane, which leads to an explosion the camera follows by panning across a huge set of windows, looking out from inside the airport terminal. Part of the plane’s destroyed fuselage flies right to left across the screen, and is eventually stopped as it crashes into a giant foot.

That’s the intro for Godzilla, and the creature dwarfs the other kaiju. Few shots really show Godzilla, but the scale is very effectively communicated by the relationship between the insectoid monster and our favorite lizard. The overall effect could be described — and this isn’t a literal account of the footage, but an impression of its effect — like a slow pan up from the faces of the various human characters stuck in the middle of a monster-created mess, passing a smaller beast and finally trying to focus on the father of it all, Godzilla, hidden in fire and smoke."

More pictures or details when they come in.

Here's another description from Vulture

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