
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Godzilla 2014 News Roundup

Well, when it rains, it pours. There was quite a lot of news this week about the Legendary Pictures Godzilla 2014 reboot and not necessarily good. It's hard to know where to start.

1. From Hitfix it was announced that 2 co-producers from Warner Bros., Dan Lin and Roy Lee were booted of the picture by legendary over creative and financial differences. The two producers along with others like Brian Rodgers are said to have come to Legendary Pictures with the project in the first place. Rodgers is still safely attached to the project. Later, it was reported in Variety  and Comic Book Movie that Legendary had taken pre-emptive legal action against the producers along with Doug Davison, to prevent the trio from suing the studio and possibly attempting to halt production.
I hope that this legal battle doesn't drag out or delay production because the real losers are the fans.

2. The Godzilla 2014 reboot got a new writer, Frank darabont (Shawshank Redemption and The Walking Dead series) to do the final rewrite. This makes writer number 5 to work on the script. Previous writers included David Callahan(The Expendables) David Boyer(Dark Knight and Man of Steel) and Max Borenstein (Seventh Son). The last writer was Drew Pearce who co-authored Iron Man 3. Pearce's job was to give the script a "4 week polish" and age up the characters. It's not clear why they decided they needed another re-write. But this might come as good news for some as,

 "Darabont's presence tells us one thing: that this movie won't necessarily skimp on character, dialogue and moral complications -- areas in which he specializes -- in favor of wall-to-wall spectacle."

I'm not sure how to feel about the re-writes, I guess Legendary wants to be sure the story is good. Anyway, they better hurry up  if shooting is to begin in March.

MSN Entertainment


3. Now the good news. Comic Book Movie reported a short list of actors being considered for the lead role in Legendary's Godzilla. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Dark Knight Rises)was offered but refused. Studio's top choice after that is Henry Cavill (Man of Steel). Creative choices are Scot McNairy (Gareth Edward's Monsters) and Caleb Landry Jones (Banshee in X-Men, First Class). Cavill would be an interesting choice. I'd like to see Superman fight Godzilla. No final word, but shooting starts soon, so we should have a confirmed cast soon.

4. Details about the story have emerged. It was reported by Comic Book Movie that after a Warner Bros. promotional webinar, that some details of Gareth Edwards Godzilla are 100% confirmed:

-The film will feature more than one monster, confirming that two new monsters will also be wreaking havoc – this in addition to the big green guy.

-Warner Bros. made it clear that their interpretation of the material “follows the story of a solider” and is “way different” than the Toho Godzilla films.

The first thing I thought when I heard this was Aaron Eckhart's soldier character in Battle Los Angeles. I hope the story is good, but I also hope not everything is shot from a human perspective like Cloverfield. I expect some good long shots to put Godzilla in perspective. We'll see where all of this news leads. More details as they develop.


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