
Monday, October 29, 2012

Godzilla 2014 "Extremely Epic" according to writer Drew Perace

According to screenwriter Drew Perace, the new Godzilla 2014 reboot from Legendary Pictures will be "Extremely Epic". Perace is a hot commodity in Hollywood right now and is working on both "Iron Man 3", and "Sherlock Holmes 3" and seems to like doing Robert Downey Jr. movies.
Perace is writer number 4 to work on the script after, David Callaham (The Expendables), then David S. Goyer (The Dark Knight) and then  Max Borenstein (The Seventh Son), after him. Perace is not making major plot changes, the basic story is set, but was brought in to give the script a "four week polish" and specifically to change the ages of the characters, presumably to better match Legendary's intended casting picks.

Luckily for us fans, what does set Perace apart is unlike his predecessors who have admitted or acknowledged nothing at all about the project, Perace has given scant, but tantalizing clues about the movie on twitter.

Besides being "Extremely Epic", he said "it's looking exciting and Gareth is very very talented".

All this information comes from writer, Zennie 62 on  his website. Zennie expertly evaluates and "reads between the lines" of Perace's comments, and of course, offers his own two cents. Zennie is a great writer on a variety of topics and was one of the very first people to write about the new Godzilla reboot back when the news first broke back in 2010. Follow the link below for the full article.

Everything I've read and heard so far gives this writer confidence that everyone involved at Legendary Pictures are committed to making this a great film for fans and everyone. Next, I'm looking forward to any casting news on Godzilla 2014. Keep you posted.


Source: Zennie 62

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Amazing Godzilla 2014 Fan Art

These are some spectacular original Godzilla 2014 artwork by artist Cheung Chung Tat. He was also responsible for the porcupine Godzilla way back after Legendary first announced the new reboot. I hope this guy's on the Legendary payroll. My new favorite artist. Gettin excited?




Friday, October 12, 2012

More Godzilla 2014 Trailers (Fan-Made)

Here are a few fan made trailers for Godzilla 2014. They are both done in the same style as the San Diego Comic-con trailer with Oppenheimer's famous 'I am become death..' speech playing in the background. It gives you sense of dread and takes Godzilla squarely back to his origins as a metaphor for the nuclear bomb. Both are well done, my hat's off to the creators. The real trailer isn't available yet, but I'll post it when it is. The last is a supposed leaked soundtrack. Enjoy.


New Writer and Casting News for Godzilla 2014

Here's a few morsels of news to keep you going:

1. Iron Man 3 screenwriter Drew Pearce has been brought in to polish up the script for Legendary Pictures Godzilla 2014 reboot. This makes the 4th writer to work on the script after David Callahan (The Expndables), David Goyer(The Dark Knight), and Max Borenstein (The Seventh Son). This is not a major re-write, however, but Pearce's job is to age the characters to match the actors Legendary is hoping for(whoever they are).

2. It's been revealed that Gareth Edwards is scheduled to start shooting for Godzilla 2014 in Vancouver, Canada in March 2013 (presumably in 3D).

3. Casting for Legendary Pictures Godzilla 2014 will begin within a month from now. I post developments and updates as soon as they come available.

Source articles:

Comic Book

Film Thrasher

Giant Monsters back in Vogue?

Could we be on the verge of a new golden age of giant movie monsters? For half a century, the west has been consuming and at the same time belittling the stream of giant monster fantasy films (kaiju eiga) from Japan featuring actors in a rubber suit. Americans have had a love/hate relationship with these films, but seemed unable to produce their own. The only giant monster movie produced in America in the Japanese style was Zarkorr, The Invader (1996). Later there was the dissapointing American Godzilla(1998) by Ronald Emmerich. Japan could rest assured it had the corner on the market.

Welcome to 2012. Not only with Legendary Pictures and Gareth Edwards making the "Godzilla 2014" reboot, and Guillermo Del Toro doing the same with "Pacific Rim", but producer Adrian Askarieh (“Hitman”) and director Andre Avredal (“Trollhunter”) are bringing the comic book series, "Enormous" to the big screen. "Enormous" is about marauding giant monsters that destroy civilization after an ecological disaster.

It seems Hollywood movie makers are finally ready to take on these giant films that pay homage to the classic B-movies from Japan, in a modern way. Mainstream America is learning what we Kaiju fans have known for years, giant monsters are where it's at. This seems to be the next big thing is Hollywood. zombies are out, superheros are getting old, giant monsters are in. Here's the original article from The Examiner

Godzilla 2014 CG Animation Test Video

Here's a cool fan made cg animated Godzilla 2014 video. It's pretty cool stuff. Shows you what could be possible and wets our appetites for more. Thanks Seth Early for this.

godzilla 2014 投稿者 kp1025