
Friday, November 11, 2011

Max Borenstein new writer on Godzilla 2014

It was announced earlier this week that Legendary Pictures has hired, yet again, a new writer for its Godzilla 2014 reboot. Max Borenstein has been brought in to pen the new script. This makes writer number 3 and counting. Borenstein replaces David Goyer, number 2, who took over from David Callahan, number 1. Borenstein's resume includes, Art of the Steal for Warner Bros., the Jimi Hendrix's biopic, Jimi, currently in development, and the upcoming supernatural fantasy, The Seventh Son, both by Legendary.

Personally, I feel Borenstein's is a bit of a step down from David Goyer, who was a heavy hitter in screenwriting, having written all of Legendary's Batman films. Only time will tell. Godzilla 2014's director Gareth Edwards is also relatively inexperienced. The main question on fans' minds is what kind of story will it be? Previously, it was rumored the story would be mixed with an abandoned monster movie script, Pacific Rim. There is speculation it will be a remake along the lines of the original Gojira in 1954, but Brian Rogers, the films producer has previously said that Godzilla would fight one or more monster opponents. Today's fans really want to see a Godzilla truer to the Japanese character and Legendary has stated from the beginning, they want to distance themselves from the disastrous 1998 Godzilla film by Sony. Seeing Godzilla battle other monsters would be a bigger draw. Toho Studios is apparently keeping a very close eye on this production and it was rumored they even insisted Godzilla by played by an actor in a suit rather than a CGI monster, not likely. We'll see if Borenstein can produce a winning story and stay on the job longer than his predecessors.

Go here for the original story by The Hollywood Reporter

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Godzilla Day-November 3rd ゴジラの日

Hey everyone, I've been living in Japan for over a decade, but I just found this out the other day. November 3rd is a national holiday in Japan called Bunka no hi, 文化の日(Culture Day). But among other things, it's also known as Gojira no hi, ゴジラの日, (Godzilla Day)! I saw some guy tried to start a Godzilla Day on Facebook on March 6th. I don't know where he got that date from, but Japan already had one. For you trivia geeks out there, November 3rd marks the opening day of the original "Gojira" in 1954. So, how will you celebrate? The Godzilla 2014 movie coming from Legendary Pictures will celebrate Godzilla's 60th anniversary. There's also talk of a new Japanese Godzilla film. Could we have two Godzillas on either side of the Pacific coming out at the same time? Everyone show your support and celebrate Godzilla Day on November 3rd. Long live the King!